SMART Ideas for SMART Board Integration

A Resource for Educators!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

More added for your teaching pleasure!

I have added TONS of new material on to the left side of the page (as links). If you notice, there are K-2 resources at the top and 3-5 resources on the bottom. If you are looking for more difficult material (specificially for 3-5 teachers, maybe for TAG), click on the Middle and Secondary link towards the top of the left column and see if some of the middle school resources suit your needs better. Please contact me if there are any suggestions, comments or questions you have. Thank you!

AWESOME reading resource!

Woodlands, a resource from the UK, is an amazing resource that links you to interactive stories, digital read-alouds, and other online texts. This is PERFECT for most elementary age groups. Check it out! A link is also provided under reading resources, entitled Woodlands.

This blog gets even better!

Due to the popular viewing of this site, I have added more resources for upper elementary on this site. I have also ADDED a site for middle and secondary! The link to this site can be found along the left of the page. Now, with a wider range of resources and activities, I hope this site becomes a staple in classrooms with SMART Boards. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know via email at Thank you!